Monday, September 6, 2010

Rehearsal At Church And Dinnerfunny Sayings

Todd Strasser - The Wave

- I assure you, it's amazing how much they appreciate you more when you take the decisions for them. This sentence is said by a high school history teacher Palo Alto, California. His wife, hearing this speech, said that experience has gone too far. And it is true that the ambitious visual experience may have exceeded the instigator.
It is a simple matter of role-play attempts to answer the question everyone has asked one day: Why the Germans did not react during the rise of the Nazis? Ben Ross has decided to explain by the fact that it is always easier to let the current carry. It suddenly created The Wave movement whose credo is power through discipline! Power in the community! Power in action! And it sets up a process of life around this movement. Only the group exceeds the creator and becomes an octopus whose tentacles each is independent. The Wave includes high school, and ambitions beyond the small town of Palo Alto.

Warning! Life lesson!
This short novel is the fictionalized version (very slightly) on a true story of 1967 in California. A history teacher wanted to play a dangerous game, and he burned the wings. In the novel, he uses the stampede to return the brains of young enlisted and show them the truth. At the same time, the reader gets a lesson des choses de la vie. Et chacun comprend que la liberté est une denrée rare et éphémère. Un rien peut la menacer. Nous y compris. Nous sommes nos propres prédateurs, et nos meilleurs gardiens.
Ce petit livre est un très bon roman. Le style dépouillé nous garde de toute émotion ou jugement hâtif. On attend de voir où tout ceci va nous amener. On sent bien que les choses dérapent, mais à chaque tournant imprévu on est surpris de son ampleur. L'espoir nous tend à penser que tout est prévu mais on doute. Et, à la fin, on comprend que tout a dépassé le guide mais qu'il a réussi à rebondir. La scène finale, je l'ai relu deux fois de suite. J'en avais les larmes aux yeux. Les mots et les phrases sont simples mais les sentiments partagés sont réels et forts.
C'est un roman à donner à lire à tous les lycéens durant l'étude du montée du nazisme en Allemagne.


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