Q: Hello Erix. When and how the group has been formed Bite?
A: Bite formed at the Lycée d'Argenteuil in 1981. At the time Arnaud was on guitar, vocals Pascal and myself on bass. Then, Frank soon joined the group in 82 for the battery. None of us had the slightest musical experience, so we borrowed quite a process but Punk Metal plating over our references. The basic idea was to produce a metal hyper-speed, very energetic, just by putting a lot of creativity and avoiding clichés of metal bands. The same year, Pascal died under tragic conditions somewhat. In 1984, has replaced Thierry Arnaud (left to study in the province) to the same guitar with a second guitarist at the time we finally left quickly. Both had several experiences of metal bands. The main pieces of the album were designed at that time. Also in 1984, we met Thierry Didier, whose musical influences were very different from ours, but has nonetheless been seduced by the project and decide to take the role of singer, whom I had previously assumed Acting there. Between late 84 and early 85 we decided to strengthen the guitar and Loran (ex-Metal Gods) has replaced Thierry after a fairly long cast. Loran has really brought what we were looking at the guitar.
Q: What were your influences ?
A: To summarize, say a mix between Motörhead and Discharge (English hardcore band). The German umlaut (Umlaut) on "U" bite is also a direct reference to Motorhead. Of course, we also appreciate the new metal bands and thrash like Slayer, Exodus, Megadeath, Metallica and especially Venom.
Q: How do you ?
A: We will not a single method. Sometimes we start with a text on which we asked riffs, sometimes the opposite. Most of the songs were composed in rehearsal, in common. The main objective was to play something extreme, without copying anyone, going to the boundaries of playability, the risk of crashing.

Q: How you get the idea of amending the text of Baudelaire?
A: Honestly, the idea has emerged quite naturally, without a second thought. If you absolutely had to find explanations, to post, say the poets Baudelaire is cursed and condemned in their time, as understood by most and recognized by few. Also say that he knew to bring modern ideas while having a solid foundation. Finally elegance Nature allowed him to express his total lack of class world in which he lived, and his frail humanity through research experiences extremes. "Acceleration Process" part of this modest approach, in its way. Several poems from "Fleurs du Mal" was a nominee, "The irrecoverable" was imposed by its format, which lent itself to musical setting, and whose words "sounded" good metal.
Q: How did you been signed by Devil's?
A: Our manager made a beautiful job, it must be said he was familiar with this medium. However, before signing with Madrigal / Devil's records we considered other possibilities, Mausoleum, I think. Types of Devil's were very clean, everything was easy once we had agreed.

Q: How did recording the album?
A: It was a difficult experience and fabulous at the same time. We did not used to a considerable saving. We should have pre-record the album on a 4-track before going to Studio, it would have avoided the problems of implementation. In addition, Frank had just replaced his acoustic drums electronic drums. His game was so fast that we needed to manipulate the drum sound so well put it in the sound space and leave room for other instruments. The sound of his drum machine was fine in rehearsal. In contrast, here was a nightmare during the sessions at Studio Garage. Moreover, sound engineers in France were not really accustomed to Thrash and it took some time to understand how it was appropriate to record this new style. Maybe we should have the record in one take and then add parts of songs and solos, so as to preserve the energy of the group?
We learned a lot during these sessions at Studio Garage. Left to grieve some, take advantage of it in passing to break a myth: the bands have never been accelerated. Anyone who saw us play real know that we did not need that.
Q: Have you given concerts?
A: We have very little played in concert. I think that's what should have happened after the album, we were loans, but the group broke up faster than expected. We had to play 1 or 2 times in public, before recording the album, especially with a group of Heimat Loss hardcore Argenteuil.
Q: A second LP was planned?
A: After the first album, a fan in the U.S. has offered to come record in New York. We had no money for such a trip, or even new songs ready. After the split, Loran and I've continued to write songs for Sting, in parallel with another project more Jazz-Rock (Obsession). We worked at that time essentially home-studio with a drum machine programmed to replace Franck (if it ever was possibleJ). After our experience with the registration Acceleration Process we had corrected all the little teething problems, these new songs were really good and powerful. They were simpler and more efficient than the first album, with a much better sound, better control, and always so much creativity.
Q: When and why did you split?
A: bite was an extreme and demanding project. Some disappointment was created after recording the first album in particular because of the sound of the drums and also singing. I think some did not have the courage to put this or had wanted to explore other musical avenues.
and Didier Franck went to create a more conventionally rock with synths, etc..
Loran and I continued to bite on one side and another Obsession, a group more Jazz-Rock, more musical (and more commercialJ) until money troubles forced to leave the province Loran .
Q: You was not aware of the reissue of the album (co between labels and HellHeadbangers American Records Nunslaughter Records), what do you think?
A: I think the job has been done is excellent, it's really a nice surprise that I discovered by chance in a forum on the metal. I'm naturally disinclined to my own past, I do not keep photos of me and I had almost never listen to that album since 1985. It was really funny experience to replay 22 years later with new ears. I think in hindsight it would have just as little for this album is really huge. I also think that we were perhaps a little too far ahead with this type of music in 1985, it goes better now surely. At the same time, I'm glad to see that the reissue will have the same positive and negative reactions at the time.
Q: What were your relations with other French groups of the time?
A: We had little contact with other French bands of that era, probably because we were too different in style. That said, we still good relations with Demon Eyes, who were in the same corner that we (and who also have adapted text of Baudelaire) and Vulcan (for their authenticity and generosity to Motörhead).
Q: Have you had contacts abroad?
A: bite was a little known abroad (notably in Scandinavia, Japan and USA, etc..), But we have not really had much contact, apart from with fans.

Q: Do you know what happened to the old band members?
A: I never saw after Didier the split. I continued to see Loran after his return to the Bordeaux region, but we gradually lost touch. But I am still in contact with Frank who is a childhood friend.
Q: Do you play always music?
A: I played a lot after the split of bite in many bands with different styles (metal, Jazz, Jazz-Rock Fusion), which was compatible with my student status at the time. I totally stopped playing around 1989, when my job responsibilities have become way too involved. I started to play again around 2003, it's hard to have to relearn almost everything we could play. I intend to never stop and continue to play in any style I like, including fusion Metal / Funk (genus Infectious Groove, the second group of Suicidal Tendencies, or TM Stevens and others).
Q: Finally that you withdrawn from this adventure?
A: bite was an adventure short but intense. We created what we wanted, without copying, without trying to please. I understand the strong reactions that followed the album, I also understand why, for some, this album is almost cult, even if not perfect. Play songs Bite procured sensations very enjoyable. It was a beautiful project, with great people in the group and all around, and that leaves me a taste of unfinished (and bitterness) in the bottom of memory.
HellsHeadbangers Records
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