What more? Well .... some discipline, damn!!
The two pages dealing with the French hard rock of the 80s (I only speak from these pages have not yet read the rest of the book) is full of blunders: "Patrick" Diamond arrives in H-Bomb for the album Attack , Zouille which has the same voice that Balavoine (the If Hex, unanimously recognized as the best heavy metal band French 80's, is set to 3 lines), Christophe Aubert forced to play with Hallyday to "survive" after the split of Warning (the poor, he must be turning in his tomb) and the ultimate, you surely do not know: Vulcan has made an album during his 20 year career and his name is The Assault! (hey, it tells me something ...). Do not look in your library, you did not that one!
Finally, the intention was laudable but the result is nothing but foutage of mouth, or a minimum of research would probably replay corrected these mistakes that are unforgivable in a book that is meant seriously!
When I think of the book on hard rock French Christophe Bailet who find no publisher in France .... by the way, are there any editors in the corner??
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