Here is the result of chronic case with the last 5 albums.
Volume 6 - Exchange (with Alain Mounier)
Volume 6 - Exchange (with Alain Mounier)
1882, a trip to the promised land of Liberty United States of America. The family of Alice Fleury who has Nahik part of this trip. There they meet the family Santoni. Both women gave birth on board: one of Alice, the other a girl. Little girl who will not survive the sinking of the ship.
The story begins in 1902 for the 20 years of Alice. It has everything to be happy: a family united and smooth, rich house and all the boys at her feet. But she prefers to be with the little people that come with the attending his parents. While she china in a flea market, she finds Nahik with watercolors remind him that strangely framed in the living room of his parents. As it seeks to learn more about the book, she'll learn that his family has many other defects and other secrets.
It calms the game with stories of war and revenge. Although ... Here it comes to these family secrets that everybody is trying to forget but that arise in any research. The writer returns to the intimacy of the family he loves so much. The story, more intimate is served by a design that evolves with the story. Consistency in the general style but details of each designer: this is the rule of the series. Alain Mounier following rule to perfection. The focus here is more than in other volumes, the mysterious watercolors that illustrate Nahik. They are the trigger for the truth.
Volume 7 - The conspirators (with Paul Gillon)

is the first album where there are protagonists of another. In fact, it's not totally true. There are only the Fleury family that we crossed in the previous volume, and found in the following volumes. The history of the manuscript is finally taking a certain thickness as such. One begins to understand where it comes from and who he is di. We're not out of surprises. Despite this important milestone in the saga, this album retains its independent force. You read it without knowing the other, you will be dazzled nonetheless. A historical account of how she likes with strong characters but never laughable. A feat when you see the gallery created by Frank Giroud. Traps could be numerous. And yet, he has avoided.
You merciful to the weak, the disadvantaged and the poor in spirit

Nahik was born. Nahik How was he born? That is the question that remains inside the reader's mind from the beginning. A first answer comes in this album. Indeed, one begins to understand what really Nahik. Anyway, as regards the first element of the triptych, that is to say, the manuscript / novel. Besides, Frank Giroud, with the talent of Lucien Rollin, we painted a family where insanity reigns. But the madman is not necessarily who you think. And the infirm is not necessarily physically. Moreover, the drawings we make the madness of the former captain Nadal so palpable. One feels it and it frightens us.
Volume 9 - The papyrus of Kom-Ombo (with Michel Faure)

After the manuscript and the novel is the turn of the watercolors to be appreciated if explained. We finally met the painter Fernand Desnouettes and talent. In addition we find Captain Nadal and what made him mad. The ball starts to unravel completely, but the mystery remains of the scapula wide. It certainly begins to unfold here, yet it remains unresolved at the end of the story.
History, precisely, let us talk. A story of adventure in the desert plains of sand-Kom Ombo. Magnificent scenery and intense characters. A conflict between the idealist and patriot. Between the artist and the soldier. And between science and mysticism. The characters, previews, or only encountered in other volumes, take on a relative importance which the whole series.
Volume 10 - The last Sura (Franz)
Thou shalt love God by example and not by force
In the year 652, the Arab empire includes a large number of countries ( including Afghanistan, Egypt, Lebanon ...). The only cement this architecture is religion. However, Islam is a religion of speakers. Indeed, it has been transmitted to humans mainly by word and the word of Mohammed. So that in these vast lands and among these different peoples, speaking differences and divergent interpretations develop. The Muslim empire was threatened in its cohesion and unity. And religion itself. Thus, some prisoners were designated by the Caliph to identify the various testimonies and to identify a unique book, the Koran.
Tayeb Abu Tayeb is one of those faithful who came in search of evidence and revelations. Mahdjubah he meets a young woman who reveals the existence of a strange sura of the Prophet. It exists as a Decalogue. Decalogue that Muhammad himself would have written in calligraphy on the blade of a camel. But these sacred principles are against the policy then the Caliph and his vision of Islam. This must be Decalogue buried. In good believer, Tayeb disagrees with that order. And charming Mahdjubah there is also no coincidence.
And the circle is complete. The scapula was born, and it finally understands the reason that it creates dissension within the Muslim religion. A word against the official truth, truth and a desire of a believer. Nothing could be easier. But it's written by Frank Giroud. The drawing by Franz, which may seem aggressive because very crude, gives depth to this confrontation between right-thinking, and the inconvenient truth.
A conclusion to the saga giving answers that were expected. A final volume is the first time. When you have read in order of publication, review them beginning with the last. You will discover the fate of this book and the Decalogue which has forced both destiny. Thursday, I return with the follow-up and spin-off. I will also talk a bit about the project that this genius has done more: a new narrative invention.